Monday, December 15, 2008

Life Lessons with a Purpose

I don't know if this will make sense but have you ever lived in a world where there wasn't a single person that was stupid and a liar. I haven't. I guess this would trouble because a friend of mine accused of being one of these or both. She said 'There are two people I hate in this world, Liars and stupid people.'

In my opinion, I think that this is wrong. How can you hate people that stupid and that are liars. I'm not meaning people you know..but everyone in the world. How can you say this? If you do, won't you hate the world. Won't you hate your friends and family? I'm not saying that this is a stupid opinion but a odd one.

After my friend at judged who I was now and who I used to be, I said: 'Listen, There are two types of people in this world that I hate, People that think they know everything and people that think they know it all.'

Can you judge a person after months of not really knowing who they are? She said that I didn't know who I was or how I changed so much and not for the better. In my defence, how would she know? Could she reads minds from miles away? Could she see through my eyes and live my life? I didn't think so.

My response was simple yet thruthful, It was this: 'If I don't know who I am, Then how is it that you know?'

I didn't tell my friend, well once a friend now, that I classified her in one of my two groups. She thought she knew everything about me. She thought that she could judge me and say things like I didn't know myself. She thought she knew. But she was wrong.

I hate two types of people in this world...People who don't have a clue what the heck their doing and people that think that they know everything.

She thought she knew everything about me....But she has no clue.

~Dibzii (Kelly)

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